What Are Pistachio Kernels| Best Pistachio kernels for major buyers

What Are Pistachio Kernels : History and introduction: Today’s pistachio is first obtained from its trees on the native pistachio of Central Asia. Its initial processing is from the Persian Empire era, extending from the eastern Mediterranean to Central Asia. Since then, pistachio has been an important crop in cold regions of the Iranian plateau. The pistachio tree is almost small and often grows in arid regions of the world and close to the thirty-th parallel orbit of latitude. This tree grows from sea level places like Attica and Greece to places 1800 meters above sea level like Kerman Iran. The combination of latitude and altitude should provide sufficient cold hours in winter and summer conditions, such as long heat and sun, to produce a suitable crop. The pistachio is laterally planted on one-year-old fruit. This makes the data product alternate and its product abundant with many commercial results and achievements.

What Are Pistachio Kernels| Best Pistachio kernels for major buyers

Is pistachio a nut?

Is pistachio a nut?pistachios nutrition :The pistachio tree is deciduous in the sense that it sheds leaves in the fall and remains leafless during the winter. It is a bipedal tree in the sense that male flowers bloom on one tree and female flowers bloom on the other. Therefore, to produce these nuts, male and female trees are essential. Pollination is done by wind. These trees have extensive root systems that allow them to penetrate deep into the soil. Therefore, pistachio tree is able to withstand dryness and long dehydration and adapt to these conditions. This tree needs a soil that can absorb water well and flow. In this type of soil, the tree can tolerate relatively high salinity of soil or irrigation water. For a long time, seedling is a characteristic of pistachio tree, which usually grows only a few pistachios before 6 years and reaches maximum fruiting after 15 to 20 years.

Properties of pistachio kernel

Properties of pistachio kernelpistachio kernels calories :Scientific evidence suggests that eating 1.5 ounces of pistachios a day as part of a diet high in cholesterol and low in saturated fat can reduce the risk of heart disease. According to a study published today, pistachios can prevent high levels of LDL or harmful cholesterol. A study at the University of Pennsylvania found that pistachio alone is able to significantly reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL-cholesterol) levels, while increasing the amount of antioxidants in human serum.  Reduce lung cancer risk: According to information provided by the American Cancer Research Association at the Cancer Prevention Research Conference, a diet that includes daily intake of some pistachios can reduce the risk of lung cancer. According to the study, pistachios are a good source of gamma-tocopherol, a type of vitamin E, and vitamin E can help prevent certain types of cancer. Therefore, many believe that pistachio intake increases the uptake of gamma-tocopherol so that pistachio can reduce the risk of lung cancer.

What can i do with shells of pistachios?

What can i do with shells of pistachios?Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Research published in Nutrition and Molecular Nutrition showed that pistachio oil can reduce the level of one of the inflammatory factors called Ifit-2. Inflammation is a biological response to harmful stimuli, pathogens, damaged cells, and inflammatory substances that can underlie the functional changes associated with many chronic diseases such as obesity and cancer. The finding that pistachios reduce inflammation, a newly discovered cause of cardiovascular disease and other diseases, could be a reason to support the important nutritional message that using pistachios in a healthy diet reduces the risk of developing heart disease. To chronic diseases.

Pistachio price per Kg in last 2 years

Pistachio price per Kg in last 2 yearsIranian pistachio varieties

Dozens of pistachio varieties are cultivated by well-meaning Iranian farmers. Every decade or two, one of these varieties is cultivated, and in some respects it is useful and cost-effective, and therefore attracts other farmers. Some of these types are so popular that they become constant commercial types. In general, all commercial pistachio varieties are divided into two groups according to shape and appearance: round (spherical) and long (long). A type of pistachio whose length-to-diameter ratio is greater than 1.5 is called round, otherwise called round. The original pistachio trees produce their own, in long cuttings. The first round pistachio was grown about 70 years ago by a Rafsanjani farmer named Mr. Ohadi. Some early commercial varieties, such as white pistachio and premium, are out of date and are no longer cultivated.

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