price of round pistachios export to pistachio to china

Buying pistachio in this way can be useful for exportation and proper price in market.

It’s famous for exportation in Iran and the main countries requiring for this type are East Asia and Europe.

Due to some changes in the price of Fandoughi pistachio in 1397 has some effects on its exportation.

Buying Fandoughi (round) pistachio to export to China

One of the main target places for Fandoughi pistachio is China especially for whole sells.

Base on customs statistics, Iran pistachios are mostly sent to 3 main areas china, Vietnam and Hong Kong.

Vietnam acts like a go between for Iran and China which requests for both raw and salted Fandoughi pistachio.

Other target places for exportation Fandoyghi (round) pistachio

We can mention some European countries to which companies send Fandoughi pistachio as well.

Moreover it’s worth to say that we can’t send all types of this to European countries because health problems and especially Aflatoxin are important issues for them.

Aflatoxin is an insanitary fungus that its percent must be in specified amounts.

Some of the main target places for this product are:

  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Poland
  • Finland

The price of superfine raw round pistachios.

Here, we have to state that the price of superfine round pistachio in Damghan is the same as other regions. Because, it is the producing markets which decide about the price of pistachios.

As the matter of fact, the price of round pistachio is the basis of pricing in Iran.

Principally, activates in their contracts consider the price of round pistachios. Even though, other products are remarkable or needed in their business.

Interestingly, round pistachio is the first and largest Iranian exporting product.

However, the price of open mouth pistachios depend on the global market prices. Therefore, they can save their serious competition with American pistachios. Especially, most of Iranian pistachios are exporting to China. In addition, the large market related to China is important and no country want to lose it.

As the result, this large market was the only reason for dominating round pistachios in gardens.

Mainly, Kerman and Semnan cities devote their first product to round pistachios.

In reality, the best kind of round pistachio is available in these two cities.

After round pistachios, there are long pistachios at the line of producing.

The raw kind of persian pistachios.

The price of pistachio certainly, depends on two cities, which are effective on pistachios matters.

Therefore, one of them is Damghan. In addition, it is famous and experienced in producing pistachios.

In fact, Damghan and Semnan are the biggest pistachio producing centers in Iran. Especially, in this city different kinds of pistachios are available. Such as:

  • Super long pistachios
  • Round pistachios
  • Khanjari pistachios
  • Shahpasand pistachios
  • Long pistachios
  • And kernels

Off course, another point in pistachios’ prices is the taste of pistachios.

Nevertheless, customers must know that the difference is not that much important and effective on prices.

The recent price of naturally opened Fandoughi (round) pistachio

How does the price of Fandoghi pistachio change in 2017 and 2018? Why?

Since Fandoghi pistachio considers as an exported pistachio which is more than other types, its price is mostly different too. Furthermore the main target place for it is China.

In 1396 considering high level of productivity the price of this product was in an average level. In contrast, the next year because of damages related to producing pistachio (80 percent) and also the enhancement of exchange rate the Fandoughi price changed a lot. Therefore we faced with a fourfold increase in its price.

The recent price of fandoghi (round) pistachio

The latest price of this product is mentioned above which might be somehow fixed.

Since this product is an exporting one, the changes in exchange rate has influences on its price. In other words, the higher price the exchange rate gets, the more expensive Fandoghi pistachio must be.

The issue is that it cannot change the global price of pistachio since this price is completely related to the Dollars rate.

Fandoghi (round) pistachio s price for exportation

The tariff for this product is nothing (zero). In whole the tariff for exportation is zero and doesn’t change the price of product.

For sure there are some costs like the ones which are mentioned below that doesn’t have any effects on their price:

  • Customs evaluation
  • Standards
  • Quarantine