Pistachio Nut Brands| Most Popular nuts in the world

One of the items that people buy from markets is nuts. Nuts are sold with and without packages. Many customers prefer to buy packed ones because they think they are more hygienic to consume. Pistachio nut brands sell packed nuts. In factories, producers separate nuts according to their quality level and sell them with different packages. The prices are not same for sure. Customers prefer to buy high quality products form stores.

It is recommended to eat nuts regularly because they are very healthy. Human body needs lots of vitamins and minerals. Nuts like pistachio are good sources of these necessary things. Therefore, spending a part of your budget for buying nuts would be a wise decision. This is specially the case when families have kids.

Pistachio Nut Brands| Most Popular nuts in the world

Best species of pistachios

Best species of pistachios There are several countries that have trees for pistachio production. The species of pistachio are usually known from their country of origin. Pistachios are also categorized according to their shapes. In all cases, Iranian pistachio which is mainly produced in Rafsanjan city in Kerman province, is one of the best kinds of pistachios. People from around the world demand this kind of nut. Therefore, many traders come to Iran and ask to import the nut to their country.

Imported pistachio nuts in different countries have different prices. The fact that the product is imported means people of that country should pay more than usual. However, traders that import very big loads reach better prices and therefore, the ultimate price of pistachio could be lower for regular customers. The demand for this nut is high and that is why all food stores from very small ones to very big ones bring nuts for sale. Some products like pistachio do not need to be advertised. People already know they need to buy the nut to improve their health.

How to produce pistachios?

How to produce pistachios?Producing pistachio for the first time is a very long process. If farmers want to have pistachio trees they should know that after the plantation they have to wait for seven years for the tree grow completely. Trees are said to have male and female types. Both of the types should be planted in a garden to have pistachio production.

As it was mentioned pistachio has different kinds. Different species give ripe pistachio at different times of the year. In any case, when the nuts are ripe producers need to shake the tree by hand or machine to let the nuts fall and collect them finally.

Which soils are suitable for cultivating pistachios?

Which soils are suitable for cultivating pistachios?Needless to say that, different kinds of agricultural products need different kinds of growing condition to have the best results. One of the most important conditions is to have proper soil for growing. For pistachio the soil is better to be deep, sandy, light, loam. The tree may also grow in other soil types but for the best result it is better to consider these features.

Are there different types of pistachios?

Are there different types of pistachios?It was mentioned that pistachios’ species are different and therefore, there are different types of this nut like bronte pistachios in the market. The general taste is the same but some types are more delicious for sure. The prices of pistachio nuts to buy are very close but they are sold with different prices for sure. Some types have more production rate and some have less. Availability of one type can affect its price a lot.

How much do I need to start pistachio business?

How much do I need to start pistachio business?When it is said pistachio business it could mean two things. First, to start pistachio production and second, to buy and sell pistachio in the market. In both cases, there is need for much money. This nut is generally expensive. For producing the nut there is need to have a farm and plant the trees and wait for five to seven years. For trading, you have to buy the pistachio in bulk and distribute it to sellers in other cities.

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